| 1. ARIZONA TRIVIA (2021 EDITION AVAILABLE FALL OF 2021) Marshall Trimble, Arizona's master storyteller and humorist challenges trivia lovers with details and facts about Arizona. Incl... Read more! |
 | 2. CLAY THOMPSON COFFEE MUG Sip your morning coffee from the official Valley 101 mug while you enjoy Clay's column. Cobalt with bronze print.... Read more! |
 | 3. CLAY THOMPSON DECK OF CARDS In addition to four suits, Clay's Deck O' Cards comes with four free Jokers!... Read more! |
 | 4. CLAY THOMPSON EXECUTIVE PADFOLIO The nicest fake-leather Padfolio you've ever seen... Read more! |
 | 5. CLAY THOMPSON FLASHLIGHT Are you one of those people who wakes up before the break of dawn, just so you can be the first on your street to read Clay Thom... Read more! |
 | 6. CLAY THOMPSON MAGIC 8 BALL Here it is!! Where Clay gets his answers! And when you shake it, you get to hear him snark at you. ... Read more! |
 | 7. CLAY THOMPSON MAGNIFYING LENS THAT FITS IN YOUR WALLET Restaurants never make their menus easy to read. Next time you go out, pull this out of your wallet and make life easy. The same... Read more! |
 | 8. CLAY THOMPSON PIZZA CUTTER Clay's most favorite kitchen utility.... Read more! |
 | 9. CLAY THOMPSON PLANNING CALENDAR DESIGNED TO DISTRACT YOU This 2019 planning calendar has fun coloring pages for you people to enjoy while trying to remember where you are supposed to be... Read more! |
 | 10. CLAY THOMPSON SMALL NOTEPAD WITH A RED STRING ATTACHED Back when Clay was a reporter and went out on assignment, he had to take good notes during the interviews. This notepad lets you... Read more! |
 | 11. CLAY THOMPSON STEVE BENSON CARICATURE OF VALLEY 101 Well known cartoonist, Steve Benson created this caricature to represent columnist Clay Thompson and his observations of Valley ... Read more! |
 | 12. CLAY THOMPSON THERMOS MUG: KEEP YOUR HOT DRINK HOT AND YOUR COLD DRINK COLD When Clay went on his monthly road trip (to the grocery store), he always made sure he wouldn't get dehydrated. It fits nicely i... Read more! |
 | 13. CLAY THOMPSON THUMB DRIVE Clay snuck his first three books on to this thumb drive. Enjoy 2.0 gigabytes of memory, whatever that means. ... Read more! |
 | 14. CLAY THOMPSON'S OCCUPY GOOBERVILLE; VALLEY 101 For the 99% of you that think my answers are right.... Read more! |
 | 15. CLAY THOMPSON'S TRY NOT TO WORRY ABOUT IT - A FINAL COLLECTION OF VALLEY 101 COLUMNS Clay entertained his readers for almost 20 years, answering any and all questions sent in to the Arizona Republic. Initially int... Read more! |
 | 16. CLAY THOMPSON'S VALLEY 101 - A SLIGHTLY SKEWED GUIDE TO LIVING IN ARIZONA A collection of oddly informative columns by the Arizona Republic's Clay Thompson. Newcomers and longtime Arizona residents have... Read more! |
 | 17. CLAY THOMPSON'S VALLEY 101 GREAT BIG BOOK OF LIFE A second collection of Clay Thompson's daily columns from the Arizona Republic, answering readers' questions on just about any t... Read more! |
 | 18. COWBOY SLANG Lingo of the American West captured in 2,000 phrases and expressions - colorful, humorous, fun! Horse and cattle terms, rodeo ta... Read more! |
 | 19. DESERT PLANT PERSONALITIES A collection of more than 50 full-color photographs of desert plants with humorous captions. ... Read more! |
 | 20. EASY FIELD GUIDE TO AMAZING ARIZONA PUZZLES AND ACTIVITIES Are you ready to have fun and learn some interesting facts about Arizona, too? This book will keep you busy for hours!